About Us
A Touch of Wellness Massage Spa Center opened its doors at Compass Point Marina on the island of St. Thomas, USVI in 1995 by Ms. Brenda Armstrong. Offering traditional massage and a line of proprietary natural aromatherapy personal care products, scents, and botanicals, the business thrived until it was purchased by the affable team operating now.

Some Background…
Brief history of A Touch of Wellness Massage & Health Center and our Spa Director Dr. Jill Scott widely known as The Massage Therapist to the Hollywood elite, Olympic & Professional Athletes, top business executives from our around the world and people from all walks of life!
Executive Director Jill Lori Scott, a nursing student entered the Health and Wellness industry over 43 years ago in the New England State of New Jersey, USA. Ms. Scott had discovered her life’s passion and rapidly advanced through the ranks of the profession becoming Center Director for a thriving weight-loss center. It wasn’t long before the entrepreneur spirit kicked in and after additional education Jill opened her own Health and Wellness Center in Point Pleasant, New Jersey called Minding the Body.
Fiercely passionate about serving her clients and patients, Jill invested the next three decades of her life and literally thousands of dollars remaining on the cutting-edge of any and all health-related matters. (a brief list of Dr. Jill Lori Scott’s accreditations, licenses and certificates may be found here)
At the annual convention for the International Colon-Hydrotherapy Association (of which she is a founding members and instructor) in 2007 Jill discovered that colleague and friend Dino Joseph had passed away. Dino, a lifelong Virgin Islander was well-known in the region for her traditional and effective approach to health and wellness. Due to a void in the thriving business left behind, Dino’s daughter was seeking the right qualified practitioner to assist with the detoxification portion of her wellness center and recruited Jill.
Deciding to pursue her lifelong dream of living in the Caribbean Dr. Jill settled upon St Thomas, U. S. Virgin Islands as her new home so she sold her very successful Wellness Center in New Jersey and moved to the USVI in 2008.
Soon thereafter, establishing Zunzun Caribbean Massage Center and while also providing services at the Ritz-Carlton Jill has become well known in the Virgin Islands for her no-nonsense, practical approach to healing and results-based modalities.
A Touch of Wellness Massage Center opened its doors at Compass Point Marina on the island of St. Thomas, USVI in 1995 by Ms. Brenda Armstrong . Offering traditional massage and a line of proprietary natural aromatherapy personal care products, scents and botanicals, the business thrived until it was purchased by the affable team Grant and Jessica Lessard until the couple decided to start a family and move to Florida.
Recognizing the opportunity to expand her overall health offerings to the Virgin Islands community Dr. Jill Lori Scott purchased A Touch of Wellness in July of 2013, immediately introducing additional services.
Along with her hand-selected team of quality certified health-care practitioners Dr. Jill is committed to ensuring that A Touch of Wellness Massage & Health Center is the premier resource for Virgin Islanders, our island visitors and people from all walks of life for all their Health and Wellness needs, no matter the condition or situation.
Click here to learn more about Dr. Jill Lori Scott
To contact A Touch of Wellness Massage & Health Center call 340-779-1504 or email us at [email protected]
What We Do

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